Hip/Pelvic Pain

Hip pain and joint injuries are common for people of all age groups and can occur with or without trauma. Being the midpoint of our body, hip pain can often affect our daily activities more so than injuries on other parts of the body.

There are a variety of reasons why hip pain can develop, in most cases where there is little or no trauma to the hip and the underlying cause of pain is a bio-mechanical issue where the hip joint does not function effectively. Improper function can lead to pain from walking, sport or daily activities where the hip becomes overloaded, inflamed and painful from use over time. Mobile physiotherapy can help determine the exact cause of your hip pain.

Symptoms of hip injuries include;

  • Sharp, knife like pain located at a specific area on the front or side of hip
  • Limited range of movement in forward bending
  • Pain from daily activities such as getting in and out of the car
  • Tightness, weakness, pins and needles or numbness of the leg
  • Unable to sit comfortably
  • Disturbed sleep from being unable to lie or turn over comfortably without pain.


The hip joint and its link with your pelvis and lumbar spine (lower back) makes it a complex region. Your hip pain can be a result of a single or combination of multiple factors which is why proper assessment from one of our mobile physiotherapists is required. A successful diagnosis of your hip pain and joint dysfunction depends on a detailed examination of your:

  • Entire lower limb (foot, ankle, knee, hip)
  • Overall hip joint biomechanics when standing and walking
  • Lower spine
  • Hip function and alignment
  • Activation and control of the different muscle groups in your hip
  • Assessment in hip strength and flexibility
  • Deep abdominal, core and pelvic floor muscle control
  • Nerve structure, function and sensitivity


After determining the cause of your hip pain and deciding whether it is a hip joint, muscular, nerve or biomechanics issue your physiotherapist will then carry out a treatment plan that can involve;

  • Detailed explanation of your specific condition and helpful tips
  • Management of swelling and return to full range of movement of the hip joint
  • Joint mobilization and manipulation to improve range of motion and reduce pressure on painful areas
  • Stretching and strengthening exercises to prevent injury occurrence and further weakness
  • Ice or heat therapy
  • Dry needling

Post-Operative Rehabilitation

If you’ve had surgery on your hip, our mobile physiotherapy means you will receive expert rehabilitation in the comfort of your own home. All hip surgeries require adequate rehabilitation to promote recovery and effectively guide a return to activity levels without compromising the surgery of the surrounding areas of the hip. 

Your physiotherapist will prioritize swelling and pain management followed with retraining the biomechanics of your hip. Sufficient strength and flexibility exercises will assist in allowing a return to your chosen level of activity.

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